Make a Miniature Maypole for Beltane!

Tomorrow is Beltane, and my mom and I made a miniature Maypole for our altar. It turned out really well, and was simple, inexpensive, and fun to make! (We listened to my Beltane music playlist while we worked, and I added it at the end of this post so you can listen too!) We started by sawing a one-inch thick piece of wood from a tree branch we had scavenged last year after a storm. The branch was about 4 1/2″ in diameter. We also cut a 14″ stick from a 3/4″ thick branch for the pole.

We chose the side we wanted for the top and where we wanted the pole to go. My mom screwed a 1 1/2″ long screw through the wood from the top side until it popped through the bottom, then she unscrewed it to remove the screw.

My mom cut one ribbon 2 1/2 inches longer than the pole:

She screwed the screw about 1/4″ into the wider end of the pole, then removed the screw:

I added hot glue from a glue gun around the hole in the bottom of the pole, then my mom immediately placed the pole onto the base and screwed the base and the pole together:

My mom used the first cut length of ribbon to measure and cut the remaining ribbons:

Then, she sewed the ribbons together so they formed a circle like this:

We glued the ribbon circle to the top of the pole, then glued a fake flower over the ribbon like this:

Here is our finished Maypole!

I love all the colors!

Beltane Blessings to all who celebrate!


2 thoughts on “Make a Miniature Maypole for Beltane!”

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